Membership Matters: A News Hub for Leaders

August 2024

Resources, tips and tricks for AAUW state and branch leaders

Updates and Deadlines

It’s Fiscal Year 2025!

Five Star Program Updates
Kick off your summer planning by ensuring your programs and goals align with the new FY25 Five Star Program criteria, which covers branch activity from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025. The Five Star Program page shows the criteria needed to achieve stars this year. Leaders will receive resources on the Five Star Program in FY25 in future Membership Matters, including an FAQ to guide you through the process.

The FY24 Impact Survey will be emailed to leaders in September. This annual survey is an opportunity for branches to share with AAUW National and celebrate your achievements over the past fiscal year. Not only do your responses determine the stars your branch earned in FY24, but they also ensure AAUW National better understands the work of our branches and how to best support you. The FY24 Five Star criteria will remain available on the website as a resource for leaders when completing the Impact Survey.

You’re Invited to the First AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference!
Join fellow members for the inaugural AAUW Atlantic Regional Conference in Glen Allen, Virginia, September 27–29, 2024. Host state Virginia is ready to welcome AAUW members from 12+ states to a charming venue and to experience the beauty of autumn in Virginia!

Expect sessions on trending topics that delve into issues that matter. Engage in idea “Swap Shops,” sharing strategies with AAUW members from the northern border to the Everglades.

The weekend will be filled with learning, support, and fun. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect and grow with other AAUW members. Click here to register and get additional information. We look forward to seeing you there!

100 days to the election: Join AAUW’s “It’s My Vote!” campaign to elevate public discussion and engage gender equity advocates.

Get involved:
Use our Voter Issue Guide (English & Spanish).
Share our social media posts (FacebookInstagramX/Twitter).

Stay legal: 
Review AAUW Guidelines for Election Activities.

Stay informed:
Next week’s Washington Update will focus on the election and what’s at stake.
Stay tuned for head-to-head voting guides and our Congressional Voting Guide.

When women vote, we change the conversation. Let’s inform and motivate more women this election season!

Download the College/University Member Toolkit
Our newly designed C/U Member Toolkit helps branches promote AAUW and engage with prospective and current C/U members in your community. Contents include: FAQs, a C/U Membership flyer, and flyers to encourage students, staff, and faculty on campus to access the Salary Negotiation and Financial Literacy trainings available to all C/U Members.

AAUW National Membership Dues Rates
FY25 National dues remain the same: National Member ($72), Students ($18.81), and Lifetime ($1,440). As of January 2024, all National dues are FULLY tax deductible!

College/University Membership dues are $250 and include two national memberships and unlimited student memberships.

Community Hub Resources

NEW! User Training Videos
Check out Community Hub: Tools and Resources page, containing FAQs and short tutorials to help you navigate the Hub. We cover essential tasks, including membership processing, maintaining your member list, how to export your branch roster, and more!

Renewal Notices and Email Reminders on the Way!
College/University members and Branch Members (for branches that opted to have National send emails for self-renewal) will receive reminders each month, the 20th or after. Here’s the schedule:

NEW! Track When Members Self-Pay Online
Finance officers will receive a confirmation (receipt) when members pay dues online. Now finance officers will know when a member pays and what dues (national/state/local branch) are included in the payment.

How States/Branches Receive Dues 
When members self-pay online, their dues generally include national, state, and local. AAUW reconciles all dues receipts monthly, then deposits them via ACH to your branch bank account at the end of the following month. A disbursement report includes member names and payment details to match your deposit.

Notify if bank information changes. We’ll collect the new banking information, which becomes effective the following month.

New Member Discount: Shape the Future Campaign FY25
If your branch recruited new members during FY24, it may be entitled to complimentary national memberships to use for anyone who qualifies for AAUW membership. The status report and redemption form is available online . Complimentary memberships must be redeemed by September 30, 2024.

The FY25 Shape the Future coupon code is STFFY25, which provides 50% ($36) off  national dues when processing a new member.

Community Hub ACH is Available!
The ACH payment method is available for use. If you are newly using this method, please enter your banking information in your personal snapshot under the menu option MY PAYMENT METHODS prior to processing membership orders.

Finance Officers Must Act — Don’t Lose Your Tax-Exempt Status with the IRS 
All AAUW-affiliated entities must file a tax return each year. The simplest option for non-profits is to use a Form 990-N, which AAUW can prepare on your behalf if your annual gross receipts are $50,000 or less.

To have AAUW file your 990-N, complete the group exemption form now through October 15 in the Community Hub. Go to MY AFFILIATIONS, then click the button next to your affiliate name. Choose TAX INFORMATION, then click the button at the top that reads: CLICK TO REQUEST 990N 07/01/2023-06/30/2024. The principal officer is generally the finance officer. Verify that your Employer Identification Number (EIN) is correct so your filing isn’t rejected. If you do not qualify to file Form 990-N, AAUW cannot file your return. Please explore other options (e.g., Form 990, Form 990EZ, or Form 990PF). AAUW will begin filing in early August.

State & Branch Tools and Resources
AAUW has a wealth of ways to help member leaders be successful in their roles. Please take time out to check out your state and branch tools and resources!

Get Live Answers @ AAUW Office Hours!
Attending our virtual Office Hours is a great way to answer questions you may have in your role as a member leader. Join one of our hour-long sessions on Tuesdays at 3 p.m. ET here or Thursdays at 3:30 p.m. ET here.

Stay Connected: Re-Subscribe to AAUW Emails 
Is one of your members missing out on vital updates and important announcements from AAUW? Ensure they stay connected with us by having them re-subscribe to AAUW emails. Simply forward them this link, to re-subscribe and guarantee that they receive the latest news, webinars, and opportunities from AAUW.

Key Resources and Tools

Community Hub Resources

Instructions on how to manage member records, update officers, pay dues, donations, and file Tax 990N, all online.  

State and Branch Tools

Forms to request member lists, speakers, and off-line member dues and donations forms as well as logos and branding info.  


AAUW National Board and Committees. 

Diversity Equity & Inclusion

Officer resources, programming and planning information. 

Past Membership Matters Updates

JULY 2024
JUNE 2024
MAY 2024
MARCH 2024