Pay Equity Now: Activist Toolkit

Paycheck Fairness Act
On March 9, 2023, the Paycheck Fairness Act was reintroduced in Congress. The record unemployment and housing crisis brought on by the pandemic disproportionately affected women, and is further compounded by pay inequity. The gender pay gap is persistent and can only be addressed if women have the tools they need to challenge discrimination and employers have the incentives they need to comply with the law.
AAUW calls on all members of Congress to listen to voters, who overwhelming support pay equity, and work to pass this important bill.
We’ve long known that on average, women who work full-time take home less than men – about 84 cents on the dollar – and that many women of color are paid far less.
When we expand how this is calculated to include a broader cross-section of women, such as those who work part time or seasonally, we represent a more accurate picture of how pay inequality impacts diverse communities: the pay gap widens even further to 78 cents. The Paycheck Fairness Act aims to address these historic inequities, exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Despite existing federal and state equal pay laws, the gender pay gap persists, impacting millions of women and their families. We need to update our laws to ensure all workers can take home a fair paycheck. Congress must ensure all women have the tools they need to challenge discrimination and all employers have the incentives they need to comply with the law.
Equal pay for equal work is a widely popular principle. Congress must act to ensure that it happens.
Use our toolkit to urge your members of Congress to do their part by supporting the Paycheck Fairness Act today!
AAUW Weighs In: Policy Updates

Where We Stand: Paycheck Fairness Act

Q&A With Lilly Ledbetter
Pay equity affects you for the rest of your life. Women are outliving their spouses by an average of 10 years.
The Simple Truth About the Gender Pay Gap