Become a Volunteer Facilitator

Inspired by a workshop? Eager to broaden your skill set? Committed to pay equity?
Become a certified AAUW salary negotiation volunteer facilitator! AAUW depends on people like you to help empower thousands of women annually to negotiate their salaries. Join our team of skilled volunteer facilitators today to further your leadership development, gain public speaking experience, and sharpen your own negotiation skills and expertise. We will provide you with the tools, resources, and other materials to help you become a successful salary negotiation volunteer facilitator.
To start, email to find out if you are eligible for this training. If so, you will receive an access code to register online here. If you are a licensed AAUW campus or Work Smart partner, please provide the name(s) and email addresses of prospective volunteer facilitator(s) to the National office.
Once you have registered for the Volunteer Facilitator Training, please allow up to 7 business days for enrollment into the course. This interactive training gives prospective volunteer facilitators a deeper understanding of the workshop curricula in addition to bolstering facilitation skills.
Participants will have 60 days from the time of enrollment to complete the training. Once your training is complete, AAUW and our licensed partners will reach out when there are upcoming volunteer opportunities in your area and provide access to the workshop materials upon confirmation of your volunteer schedule.
Existing Volunteer Facilitators: For questions on renewing your facilitator certification, please contact us via email at
Want to be involved in closing the gender pay gap in other ways?

Our partners and supporters share our vision of creating a world where women and girls have the same opportunities to learn, earn and lead as their male counterparts. In the fight for fairness, they share their talents and resources to help close the gender pay gap and make gender equity a reality.