In the News
Check out AAUW action, experts and research making headlines
Check out AAUW action, experts and research making headlines
Giving women equal opportunities to pursue — and thrive in — STEM careers helps narrow the gender pay gap, enhances women’s economic security and ensures a diverse and talented STEM…
By preschool, most children start identifying gender roles. Teachers and parents consciously or unconsciously convey social cues that influence choices of what children play.
How would you like to work the same hours for half the pay? That’s the gender pay gap for Latinas.
AAUW’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Plug and Play Programming is a way to help branches create programming and events around the topics included in the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Toolkit.
AAUW advocates increased support for and access to affordable higher education for women, including alleviating the debt burden that disproportionately impacts borrowers of color and exacerbates the racial wealth gap.
The Paycheck Fairness Act was recently reintroduced in Congress, and we need to mobilize quickly to ensure its swift passage. Letters to the editor and op-eds in local community papers…
The dominant ideology in the U.S. holds that is it is possible to change your socioeconomic status over your lifetime, but research has shown that it is highly unlikely. This…
Throughout history, individuals who are born outside the U.S. have made tremendous contributions to our society and continue to do so today. More importantly, these individuals can make valuable contributions…