Policy Recommendations: Campus Sexual Misconduct
AAUW supports these measures to address the problems of sexual harassment, violence and assault in educational institutions:
- Pass the Hold Accountable and Lend Transparency on Campus Sexual Violence Act (HALT). This bill would increase transparency and reporting on campus sexual violence, shedding important light on a pervasive problem.
- Fully Implement and Enforce Title IX. Schools have made significant strides in providing equal access to education but barriers to equity still exist, particularly for women and underrepresented populations. AAUW supports faithfully implementing Title IX, establishing clear guidance for schools on how to do so, and stopping attacks that weaken the law.
- Fully the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC). It is imperative to have data to understand the impact and patterns of sexual harassment and violence. Despite schools’ legal obligations, there are clearly too many schools who are not disclosing or providing appropriate environments for girls and women to report incidents. Greater effort must be made to enforce the CRDC and Clery Act requirements for reporting.
Know Your Rights: Sexual Harassment and Assault on Campus
Legal Advocacy

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