AAUW Condemns U.S. Supreme Court’s Decision on Affirmative Action
WASHINGTON — The American Association of University Women (AAUW), the leading organization for equity in higher education and women’s economic empowerment, today issued a statement in response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Students for Fair Admissions, Inc. (SFAI) v. President and Fellows of Harvard and SFAI v. University of North Carolina.
The following is a statement from Gloria L. Blackwell, AAUW’s Chief Executive Officer:
The American Association of University Women condemns today’s Supreme Court decision to eliminate the consideration of race in admission to colleges and universities.
Institutions of higher education are pathways to economic security and positions of power in our country. Today’s decision is an attempt by the powerful and privileged to keep opportunity and access to power theirs alone.
Affirmative action policies have been a critical part of ensuring racial and gender equity and providing redress for past gender, racial, and ethnic discrimination in higher education. They have led to an increased number of women and Black and brown people in a range of high-paying professions, including STEM fields.
Today’s decision also reflects the increased legislative efforts across the country to suppress diverse perspectives and make access to higher education more difficult for women and people of color. We know from experience that when states have restricted race-conscious admissions, the gains of women and communities of color are pushed back. We have seen how previous bans on affirmative action have had a chilling effect on Black and Latino admissions to colleges and universities.
Despite today’s Supreme Court decision, AAUW remains committed to ensuring women and communities of color have equal access to quality education at all levels to guarantee equality, individual rights, and social justice for a diverse and inclusive society.
AAUW (American Association of University Women) is the nation’s leading organization for equity in higher education and women’s economic empowerment. Founded in 1881 by women who defied society’s conventions by earning college degrees, AAUW has since worked to increase women’s access, opportunity, and equity in higher education through research, advocacy, and philanthropy of over $140 million, supporting thousands of women scholars. Learn more at aauw.org.