Work Smart Trainings
Learn how to negotiate for a new job, raise or promotion — and gain confidence with AAUW Work Smart Salary Negotiation Workshops.
Our History
AAUW’s story begins in 1881, when a small group of female college graduates banded together to open the doors for women’s career advancement and to encourage more women to pursue…
The pipeline is filled with qualified women ready to move into top slots. Yet it isn't happening: Barriers, biases and an outdated workplace model present challenges to women eager to…
Why the Time is Right to Finally Pass the Paycheck Fairness Act
Throughout recent political campaigns, we’ve heard candidates from both parties declare their commitment to American women. It’s time for lawmakers to demonstrate that commitment by passing the Paycheck Fairness Act.
Workshops & Panels
NCCWSL offers skill-building workshops and educational panels that are designed to challenge and inspire you to make an impact on your campus and in your community long after you leave…
Two-Minute Activist
Send emails and texts to your legislators to fight for equal pay, family leave, stopping sexual harassment, equality in education and more. Sign up to get regular alerts to be…
Why the Pay Gap Persists in High-Paying Professions
Over the past decade, women have been making serious inroads into high-paying professions traditionally dominated by men. As of 2016, more female students have been enrolled in law schools than…
Fast Facts: Occupational Segregation
Occupations that are dominated by men generally pay better than female-dominated ones, even when they require the same level of skill and/or education.