What to Do If You Suspect Pay Discrimination
If you feel your employer is engaging in pay discrimination against you, follow these basic steps.
If you feel your employer is engaging in pay discrimination against you, follow these basic steps.
AAUW believes that global interdependence requires national and international policies against human trafficking and that promote peace, justice, human rights, sustainable development, and mutual security for all people.
A legendary champion for equal pay shares her story and explains why we must keep working for meaningful change.
Although the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was enacted more than 25 years ago, many employees still don’t fully understand their rights. Make sure you're informed and protected.
Sixteen veteran and active duty servicemen and servicewomen who, while serving in the US Military, have been raped, sexually assaulted, and harassed by active duty members of the military filed…
Access to abortion is not only a fundamental right, it is critical to a woman’s ability to control her life, her body and her future. Expanding reproductive services increases women’s…
To guarantee equality, individual rights, and social justice for a diverse and inclusive society, AAUW advocates freedom from violence and fear of violence, including hate crimes, in homes, schools, workplaces,…
Although the laws that prohibit gender discrimination in employment and education are decades old, women on colleges and university campuses often face discrimination. Knowing your rights is the first step…
Dorothy Celeste Boulding Ferebee was a civil rights pioneer, a groundbreaking physician, and an AAUW board member who worked tirelessly to ensure access to health care for underserved communities.