Start Talking about Pay!
When it comes to compensation, many people think there’s safety in silence: Don’t ask anyone what they earn, and don’t discuss your own paycheck. But the reality is that staying…
How to Make the Wage Gap an Injustice of the Past
On Equal Pay Day, we will once again read reports about the gender pay gap and how, according to the Institute of Women’s Policy Research, women only earn 80.5 cents…
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Action Network
Send emails and texts to your legislators to fight for equal pay, family leave, stopping sexual harassment, equality in education and more. Sign up to get regular alerts to be…
The Eleanor Roosevelt Fund Award
AAUW's Eleanor Roosevelt Fund Award honors an individual, project, organization or institution for outstanding contributions to equality and education for women and girls.
Policy Recommendations: Retirement Security for Women
Because of a lifelong pay gap, women are more vulnerable than men during their retirement years.
Four Signs the Pay Gap May Start to Shrink
One reason the pay gap has persisted for so long is because discrepancies in salaries can be difficult to detect. If people aren’t aware of who’s making what, it’s hard…
Hurdles to Successful Salary Negotiation — and How to Tackle Them
Talking to an employer — or a prospective one — about money is never easy. Some people find it so challenging, in fact, that they quickly accept the first salary…
The Gender Pay Gap
No matter how you analyze it, the gender pay gap is real, persistent and harmful to women’s financial well-being.
Funding Women’s History
AAUW has a proud heritage of helping women pursue higher education, tracing back to a time when few women had that opportunity.