Women’s Economic Empowerment Initiative

Empowering women with skills for financial independence.

Building Secure Futures

For over 140 years, the American Association of University Women (AAUW) has been at the forefront of advancing gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy. Today, we are proud to introduce our Women’s Economic Empowerment Initiative, a comprehensive program dedicated to equipping women with essential skills to thrive financially and build strong futures.

Navigating the Challenges

Understanding the Barriers Women Face

Women today face significant challenges in salary negotiation, career advancement, and financial literacy. Despite progress, the disparity in pay and opportunity remains a hurdle, particularly for women of color. These systemic barriers not only affect individual women but also our society as a whole.


Empowering Women Through Innovative Programs

Our award-winning programs are specifically designed to address these challenges. Through our initiative, we offer:

  • AAUW Work Smart: Know Your Value and Get Paid – Training for early and mid-career professionals on negotiating for fair salaries, better benefits, and advancement opportunities.
  • AAUW Start Smart – AAUW Start Smart is specifically designed for college women entering the job market, teaching effective salary negotiation techniques to boost your confidence and negotiation skills. 
  • AAUW Money Smart – The AAUW Money Smart program is aimed at providing all women with the personal finance information they need to ensure their own financial security.

These programs have already impacted over 190,000 women across the U.S., empowering them with confidence, knowledge, and skills.

2024 Webinar Schedule

These webinars are designed to provide you with the tools and knowledge needed to negotiate better salaries, enhance your career, and achieve financial independence. Whether you’re a student stepping into the professional world or a seasoned professional aiming to advance, our webinars offer valuable insights for every stage of your career. Check out our schedule and secure your spot to start transforming your future today.

AAUW Money Smart: Smart Foundations April 25, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM EST
AAUW Work Smart: Know Your Value and Get Paid May 07, 2024 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST
AAUW Start Smart May 14, 2024 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST
AAUW Work Smart: Know Your Value and Get Paid June 11, 2024 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST
AAUW Start Smart June 19, 2024 3:00 – 4:00 PM EST

Partnerships and Endorsements Fueling Change

The Women’s Economic Empowerment Initiative thrives on the support of our partners, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Minority-Serving Institutions, Women’s Colleges, and diverse companies. These collaborations are key to our mission of closing the gender and race pay gap. Interested in becoming a partner? Reach out to partnerships@aauw.org or view all campus partners here.

The Coca-Cola Foundation Logo
The Coca-Cola Foundation
Educational Testing Services
AAUW Honolulu

What Students Say About AAUW Salary Negotiation Programs

At first, I was offered an 8% increase over my current salary; however, I presented the employer with a counteroffer, utilizing the techniques I learned during the workshop. By doing so, I was able to negotiate a 15% increase over my current salary. It was not the highest amount I’d hoped for, but it was the maximum the manager was able to offer for the position. I’m very happy with the outcome and looking forward to starting my new job.

Women holding resume